miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

lunes, 18 de junio de 2018


TOPIC: E-Business Strategies
OBJECTIVE: Analyze techniques and strategies to improve e-business.


·        Interest on the descriptions of additional text in different products. Importance of the characteristics of the product.
·         The law of electronic commerce according to Jacobson is that if users do not find the product, they will not be able to buy it.
·         The web architecture is without drivers, without owners and without data integration.
·         The accuracy, the ineligibility, integrity and relevance of the information is important for consumer satisfaction.
·         The linked data provides the ability to establish association links between concepts in different data sets producing interrelated high quality versions of linked web data.
·         In order to maximize positive effects on society and the environment through technology designs.

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018


TOPIC: Strategies to consider in the development of competitive advantages
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the evolution of competitive advantages.


The competitive strategy is what a company is doing to try to disarm rival companies and gain a competitive advantage. A company's strategy can be basically offensive or defensive, changing from one position to another according to market conditions. In the world companies have tried to follow all conceivable approaches to beat their rivals and gain a market advantage.
The three generic types of competitive strategy are:
- Strive to be the leading producer of costs in the industry (the effort to be a low-cost producer)
- Seek the differentiation of the product that is offered with respect to the rivals (strategy of Differentiation)
- Focus on a more limited portion of the market rather than a full market (approaches and specialization strategies).

lunes, 11 de junio de 2018


TOPIC: Organizations that learn
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of strategies and disciplines for continuous improvement.


The discipline strategies for continuous improvement are:
Team learning: Ask for help or collaboration from others.
Personal domain: Relationship with a person
Mental models: Change the mental models of people.
Competitive vision: Share the same vision.

These are the systematic thoughts
- Transaction processing systems (TPS) that are used at the operational level
Office systems and Knowledge work systems (KWS) that are systems at the level of knowledge
- Decision support systems (DSS) and Management information systems (MIS) that help administrative systems
- Executive Support Systems (ESS) that helps at a strategic level

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018




TOPIC: Trello, Tripcase, Slack
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the functioning of web apps in the context of tourism.

It is a tool that serves to organize tasks/projects in a board (boards) to which we can assign the name of the project that we are working. This board is made up of different lists: 1. "To Do", 2. "In Process" and 3. "Finished" Trello makes you know at all times the part of the project you are in.


Nearly a quarter of TripCase's users are from countries whose primary language is not English; But that's about to change, when we expand our travel management experience to travelers from all over the world.
Now TripCase, our award-winning web and mobile application, is available in 9 languages:
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese


It is a real-time messaging system for communication between computers that includes all the media in one place and also integrates a lot of tools (Dropbox, Google Drive, Twitter, Mail Chimp, Skype...).