lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018


TOPIC: Online Strategies and Offline strategies
OBJECTIVE: Apply each of the strategies in the tourism sector.


Online marketing allows you to create personalized promotional campaigns for each company or business to make your communication more effective. For that, it is possible to rely on the management of Google Adwords or in advertisements on social networks, among other strategies.
So that a company can count on the benefits of being on the net, the first thing is to get a good positioning. That is, it is important that the company appears among the first results when you enter the related keywords in the search engine. This positioning can be SEO or SEM, according to the strategies that are put into practice to achieve the desired objectives.


Offline advertising strategies, as its name implies, refer to all those marketing actions that a brand performs outside the network. Or what is the same, the online context, so they cover a great diversity of techniques and areas of action.
It is true that in recent years online marketing has been consolidated in the communication strategies of companies thanks, above all, to the democratization of the network and the use of social platforms. However, it is important not to neglect advertising offline, as it greatly increases the chances of success and expansion of a company.

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