miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018


TOPIC: Efficient use of TICS in business management
OBJECTIVE: To use TICS efficiently in business management.


The initial launch of Penguin impacted 3.1% of the search engine queries in English. Between 2012 and 2016, the filter went through 10 documented updates, evolving over time and influencing the understanding of the SEO community of the problematic practices that Penguin tried to address. Starting at the beginning of 2017, Penguin is now part of Google's core algorithm.

But remember how web positioning techniques worked before the arrival of Penguin. The authority of a website was measured primarily by the amount of inbound links it received. Therefore, the link building (or construction of links) focused on getting thousands and thousands of links regardless of their quality.

Penguin is the new update of the algorithm that Google has implemented last April 24 and aims to detect and penalize the websites that allegedly try to increase their popularity artificially through a strategy of links Overoptimised and supported by low quality websites.

Google aims to clean results that offer little value to the user of the first positions of search, enhancing the websites with higher quality compared to those that have achieved better positions in an "unnatural" way.

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