lunes, 9 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: Analysis of Success cases
OBJECTIVE: to analyze different applications that were successful in the electronic business.


A new business model can create and leverage income and benefit opportunities, contrasting with aged models, which lead the company to lower revenues and eventually close.

How to innovate a business model?

There are six questions that landlords and managers should consider before planning a new business model:

1. What perceived market needs can be met with a new business model?
2. What new activities are needed to meet those perceived needs?
3. How could the activities required to be linked in new ways?
4. Who should perform each of the activities that form the new business model?
5. How do you create value, with the new business model, for all involved?
6. What value model fits with the company's new business model?


The term ecommerce, or e-commerce, may be familiar to many of us. However, we probably don't know everything behind this activity. In general terms, electronic commerce is the purchase and sale of products or services through Internet and computer networks. In addition, it involves tasks such as marketing, content and information on the network. All of this implies a revolution in the way in which companies communicate and develop their business activity.

The importance of this method is the accessibility that the clients of a company can have to the products or services that the company offers, from any place and at any time.

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