lunes, 16 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: E-Business at present
OBJECTIVE: to analyze the current situation of the electronic businesses and their tendencies to generate ideas of value for the tourism entrepreneurship.


1. Markets are conversations.
2. Markets consist of humans, not of demographic sectors.
3. Conversations between humans sound human. They lead in a human voice.
4. Either transmitting information, opinions, perspectives, arguments against or funny notes, the human voice is open, natural, sincere.
5. People are recognized as such by the sound of this voice.
6. The Internet makes it possible to have conversations between human beings that were simply impossible in the mass media era.
7. Hyper-links undermine hierarchies.
8. In interconnected markets as among intraconnected employees, people use new and powerful forms of communication.
9. Network conversations make possible the emergence of new and powerful forms of social organization and knowledge sharing.
10. As a result, markets become more intelligent, more informed, more organized. Participation in an interconnected market causes people to change in a fundamental way.


1. Law of leadership.
2. Law of the category.
3. Law of mind.
4. Law of Perception.
5. Law of concentration.
6. Law of exclusivity.
7. Law of the staircase.
8. Law of duality.
9. Law of the opposite.
10. Law of Division.
11. Law of the perspective
12. Line Extension law.
13. Law of Sacrifice.
14. Law of attributes.
15. Law of sincerity.
16. Law of Singularity.
17. Law of the unpredictable.
18. Law of Success
19. Law of failure.
20. Sensationalist note law.
21. Law of acceleration.
22. Law of resources.

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