miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Consumer Psychology
OBJECTIVE: Analyze consumer behavior at a sale.


Consumer psychology refers to the methods/systems used by customers to select, acquire, use and dispose of products and services. In the business world, research into consumer psychology helps companies improve their products, services and marketing strategies in order to boost sales. Consumer psychology is a discipline that is currently growing, driven mainly by business and corporate interests.
The consumer's psychology aims to determine exactly why people make the decisions they do. As a field study that is what is currently, it is based on the idea that if companies can understand why or how people make decisions, so they can use this knowledge to improve their marketing products and strategies, and as not increase its attractiveness.


If you have important assets or if something about your site is in the center of public attention (that is, it is already controversial), your web security will have to be tested. You should know that poorly written software creates protection problems, security holes or back doors that are discovered by the cybercriminal.

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018



TOPIC: Waze, W&O Restaurant Apps
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the operation or operation of Web applications in the context of hotel and tourism.

It is a free mobile application that works as a global positioning system and also has information about traffic, updated in real time. But Waze is not only a tool to evade traffic and transit agents, it is also a great help to find an address. The system receives all the locations when the ' wazers ' drive with the ' app ' on their mobile devices and thus update their databases.

W&O Restaurant POS is a full featured, easy to use and affordable POS system for any small or medium-sized business.
The software runs on Android (with an optional Windows server for multiple input devices) and is compatible with standard hardware such as printers and cash drawers, saving customers time and money.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Foursquare, Google my Business, Custom, Waiterio
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the operation or operation of Web applications in the context of hotel and tourism.

Foursquare is a type of digital tool that has the main purpose of physical localization, in fact, is an application that is used by smartphones, using geolocation and incorporating, for example, elements of games to be more attractive to Public, being the primary idea of Foursquare that users mark the specific sites where they are.


Google My Business allows you to report directly from your business to customers, whether you are looking for Google, Maps or Google. Another option is that you can relate directly to the fans and customers, posting news or events from your Google page. You also have the option to keep track of the opinions about your company across the network and respond to the reviews of customers or users of Google.                


This application shows the world your work hours in Google Search and Google Maps. With Google My Business, you also check your company information, get personalized customizations on how customers can update your company name, address and business hours.

Waiterio TPV Restaurant
Waiterio is the fastest way to take orders in a restaurant.
Waiterio makes life easier for waiters and cooks. The orders are taken in a matter of seconds and the kitchen receives them as soon as the waiters write them down. The application eliminates the paper and pen for waiters and cooks.

Waiterio is a simple and affordable point of sale (TPV) Terminal. It is perfect for any restaurant, bar, pub, pizzeria, etc.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Factors, importance, Business Intelligence
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the factors that influence the strategy of the Electronic Business and the psychology of the Web consumer.


Comfort: Without a doubt, one of the main factors influencing the boom in Internet commerce, is the comfort that this implies.
Security: In daily or normal trade, there are factors that have allowed the transition of this same trade, which leads to some stages that we can distinguish:
·         In the beginning of the daily trade what mattered and worried the seller, was precisely that only to sell, in the instant and to have an immediate capital.
·         Time later, and according to the economic conditions, it now seemed more important to engage the client to pay in instalments because it was easier to sell more, but then had to be charged.

E-business or electronic businesses, has come to revolutionize the business world, since it is now part of the strategies of the companies to reinforce the competitiveness in the market; While facilitating trade links with other companies, creating linkages that streamline the processes of buying and selling goods and providing services between companies. The great interaction that is managed as well as the wide and revolutionary exchange of information in real time is without a doubt a tool that has allowed the discovery of new channels and forms of alliances between companies-suppliers-distributors-clients, mainly.


Business Intelligence it is the ability to transform data into information, and information into knowledge, so that the decision-making process in business can be optimized.
From a more pragmatic point of view, and associating directly with the information technologies, we can define Business Intelligence as the set of methodologies, applications and technologies that allow to gather, debug and transform data from the Transactional systems and unstructured information (internal and external to the company) in structured information, for its direct exploitation (reporting, OLTP/OLAP analysis, Alerts...) or for its analysis and conversion into knowledge, thus giving support to decision making about the business.

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Matrix E-Business and OLX
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the structure of the e-business matrix.


The tourism companies have adopted the trends of e-business, are more outstanding of the user throughout the acquisition of purchase of a product or service, that is why we are looking to differentiate in which matrix is established our business, to know the Different strategies that we can use to meet the objectives.
The increase in the use and dependence of the technology for the Business administration, imposes to that the entrepreneurs seek to organize more, to be pending and to adapt to the new opportunities that open the markets. The e-business matrix is the business relationship that has an e-business model that applies to a company and determines how it is working and how it makes its sales; depending on the parties that make or interact in a transaction, there are various denominations for electronic businesses.


OLX is an Argentinean company that operates in 87 countries, publishing websites classified ads on the Internet. Founded in Argentina in March 2006 by entrepreneurs Alec Oxenford and Fabrice Grinda, which is now by the South Group of Africa Naspers (95% majority ownership).
OLX's formula consists of three fundamental parts. While the basic classifieds service is free for both buyers and sellers, there is the possibility of generating outstanding payments ads. Second, OLX receives revenue from the sale of advertising to third parties. And finally, it also sells contextual advertising through Adsense.

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Origin, Evolution, E-Business strategies
OBJECTIVE: Understanding the Origin Evolution E-Business Strategies


The development of telecommunications in the world has reached levels that were unthinkable until just a decade ago. Developing countries have not escaped the impact of the changes that have taken place in this sector that has acquired strong globalization traits in recent years.
Bearing in mind this reality, this research work raises, in the first part, the current state of Venezuelan telecommunications and especially the value-added services that have increased demand in the country. Specifically in the area of electronic commerce, for which a characterization is made that explains from the Venezuelan context the because of its growth and acceptance.

E-commerce or electronic commerce is the realization of transactions and businesses through electronic means, complementing the exchange of goods and services with the management of information through the Internet. E-Commerce is a fundamental component of E-Business.
E-Business is the application of information technologies to make purchase and sale of products and services using public networks based on certain communications standards. It is a new definition of business management models based on new technologies. It's a higher phase of E-Commerce.

E-business strategies are not detached from the company's overall strategy and vice versa. Since all the companies that participate in the market have access to the different technologies available, the acquisition of the same ones does not generate by itself competitive advantages. It is what each company is able to do and the maximum return it can get from these investments, which makes the difference. In practice these two strategies are merged in such a way that it is difficult to clearly differentiate what corresponds to the e-business strategy and the overall business strategy.





lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018



TOPIC: Gamification, Citizen Science, Web 3.0, Big Data, Groupware, Serious game
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the importance of each of the applications.


It is therefore to be aware and systematize a procedure, a new way of teaching our classes, guiding the students in the acquisition of knowledge through new methodologies that provide them with a more meaningful learning. In short, create learning situations that allow them to obtain certain skills and knowledge.
There are many definitions of this new concept, but we can say that the gamification in education consists in applying concepts and dynamics of the design of games that stimulate and make the interaction of the student more attractive with the learning process, with the objective of the latter to acquire certain results appropriately.


Traditionally we have tried to bring science closer to citizenship through environmental education, but in the last few decades we are attending new methodological proposals to get involved from the action.
Citizen science comes with strength to establish new links between scientists, citizens and the environment, a concept, citizen science, coined by Rick Bonney, director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and which defines public participation in production of scientific knowledge.
WEB 3.0

Web 3.0, in short, is related to artificial intelligence. The websites would even have the ability to connect to each other according to the interests of the user.
First of all, the reason that there is no formal definition or a single definition of Web 3.0 is because many people are working on their own vision of the future of the Internet, so each one expects different changes and improvements in the experience of NAVEGAC Ion over the net.

The complex nature of the big data is mainly due to the unstructured nature of much of the data generated by modern technologies, such as web logs, radiofrequency identification (RFID), sensors built into devices, Machinery, vehicles, Internet searches, social networks like Facebook, laptops, smartphones and other mobile phones, GPS devices and call center logs.

The term "groupware" (collaborative computer software) refers to the use of methods and software tools that allow users to perform collective work across networks.
Therefore, groupware refers to the various and varied applications that contribute to a single goal — allowing geographically-separated users to work as a team. Teamwork can be carried out by sharing information or by creating and exchanging computerized data.

Serious games are a "serious game" or video game whose purpose is training over entertainment. They have acquired a growing and undeniable popularity for several years in companies and institutions that decide to implement them as part of their training programs. There are also many people who individually want to develop their skills with the methodology of the future.

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Introduction to Matter
OBJECTIVE: Make a brief introduction on the topics to be discussed in the semester.


For some decades, the media has been considered as indispensable elements for disseminating information. The opening of new specialized programmes, both on the radio and on television, have given the opportunity for people to stay up to date with what is happening in the world. Because the media not only reflects "what happens in the world" but instead invoke a culture and an ideology that is constantly reproduced and that permanently impacts our society.
Electronic media not only have the function of entertaining, also of informing and educating. The media are responsible for giving an affective-evaluative turn to the electronic media, to begin the exchange of views among consumers. In the last decade, the appreciation of electronic media has changed dramatically, as Internet functions have multiplied dramatically, and information has been skyrocketing everywhere. The media, emphasize the moral obligation to give the emotional-value turn mentioned above, because on the Internet, any person or organization is free to publish information according to their own will.


The e-business is to introduce communication technologies to carry out the activities of a business. It is a set of new technologies and new business strategies to develop these online businesses.
But not to be confused, e-business is not a technology business but a business of any nature that uses new technologies in order to improve management.



To contribute to national development through the training of ethical and competent human talent, capable of developing and sustainably administering local, regional and national tourism resources, creating and applying new knowledge, in close Relationship with the social, productive and environmental sectors.


The career of "Licenciatura en Adminstración de Hotelería y Turismo " of the Universidad Técnica de Machala, is projected for the year 2013 as a core of higher education recognized at the national and international level by its academic programs, the values Humanities of the teaching staff and the high professional level of their students; Thus contributing to the sustainable development of local, regional and national tourism, with emphasis on the rescue of our cultural values; with the application of computer technologies and the functional operation of their facilities. (This information is in the process of updating, since the vision of the race has already fulfilled its period of validity).