lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Factors, importance, Business Intelligence
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the factors that influence the strategy of the Electronic Business and the psychology of the Web consumer.


Comfort: Without a doubt, one of the main factors influencing the boom in Internet commerce, is the comfort that this implies.
Security: In daily or normal trade, there are factors that have allowed the transition of this same trade, which leads to some stages that we can distinguish:
·         In the beginning of the daily trade what mattered and worried the seller, was precisely that only to sell, in the instant and to have an immediate capital.
·         Time later, and according to the economic conditions, it now seemed more important to engage the client to pay in instalments because it was easier to sell more, but then had to be charged.

E-business or electronic businesses, has come to revolutionize the business world, since it is now part of the strategies of the companies to reinforce the competitiveness in the market; While facilitating trade links with other companies, creating linkages that streamline the processes of buying and selling goods and providing services between companies. The great interaction that is managed as well as the wide and revolutionary exchange of information in real time is without a doubt a tool that has allowed the discovery of new channels and forms of alliances between companies-suppliers-distributors-clients, mainly.


Business Intelligence it is the ability to transform data into information, and information into knowledge, so that the decision-making process in business can be optimized.
From a more pragmatic point of view, and associating directly with the information technologies, we can define Business Intelligence as the set of methodologies, applications and technologies that allow to gather, debug and transform data from the Transactional systems and unstructured information (internal and external to the company) in structured information, for its direct exploitation (reporting, OLTP/OLAP analysis, Alerts...) or for its analysis and conversion into knowledge, thus giving support to decision making about the business.

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