lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Gamification, Citizen Science, Web 3.0, Big Data, Groupware, Serious game
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the importance of each of the applications.


It is therefore to be aware and systematize a procedure, a new way of teaching our classes, guiding the students in the acquisition of knowledge through new methodologies that provide them with a more meaningful learning. In short, create learning situations that allow them to obtain certain skills and knowledge.
There are many definitions of this new concept, but we can say that the gamification in education consists in applying concepts and dynamics of the design of games that stimulate and make the interaction of the student more attractive with the learning process, with the objective of the latter to acquire certain results appropriately.


Traditionally we have tried to bring science closer to citizenship through environmental education, but in the last few decades we are attending new methodological proposals to get involved from the action.
Citizen science comes with strength to establish new links between scientists, citizens and the environment, a concept, citizen science, coined by Rick Bonney, director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and which defines public participation in production of scientific knowledge.
WEB 3.0

Web 3.0, in short, is related to artificial intelligence. The websites would even have the ability to connect to each other according to the interests of the user.
First of all, the reason that there is no formal definition or a single definition of Web 3.0 is because many people are working on their own vision of the future of the Internet, so each one expects different changes and improvements in the experience of NAVEGAC Ion over the net.

The complex nature of the big data is mainly due to the unstructured nature of much of the data generated by modern technologies, such as web logs, radiofrequency identification (RFID), sensors built into devices, Machinery, vehicles, Internet searches, social networks like Facebook, laptops, smartphones and other mobile phones, GPS devices and call center logs.

The term "groupware" (collaborative computer software) refers to the use of methods and software tools that allow users to perform collective work across networks.
Therefore, groupware refers to the various and varied applications that contribute to a single goal — allowing geographically-separated users to work as a team. Teamwork can be carried out by sharing information or by creating and exchanging computerized data.

Serious games are a "serious game" or video game whose purpose is training over entertainment. They have acquired a growing and undeniable popularity for several years in companies and institutions that decide to implement them as part of their training programs. There are also many people who individually want to develop their skills with the methodology of the future.

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