miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018



To contribute to national development through the training of ethical and competent human talent, capable of developing and sustainably administering local, regional and national tourism resources, creating and applying new knowledge, in close Relationship with the social, productive and environmental sectors.


The career of "Licenciatura en Adminstración de Hotelería y Turismo " of the Universidad Técnica de Machala, is projected for the year 2013 as a core of higher education recognized at the national and international level by its academic programs, the values Humanities of the teaching staff and the high professional level of their students; Thus contributing to the sustainable development of local, regional and national tourism, with emphasis on the rescue of our cultural values; with the application of computer technologies and the functional operation of their facilities. (This information is in the process of updating, since the vision of the race has already fulfilled its period of validity).

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