lunes, 20 de agosto de 2018


TOPIC: Social Networks and Payment model CPM, CPC, CPA
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the different ways to promote a tourist site


Social networks are structures capable of communicating with each other people or institutions. Relationships that create groups or communities with common interests can be established through the Internet.

Is an unlimited and real-time contact. This is achieved thanks to interactivity, one of its most distinctive and novel features. Before social networks, companies and the media had virtually no way of communicating with their audiences and getting to know their opinion.


Assuming, all these indicators can be grouped around 3 fundamental metrics:

Is the most basic metric. Part of the number of users who view your ad, amount that establishes the necessary investment. And it's usually expressed in thousands. That is to say, the cost is calculated according to each thousand impressions. This metric is usually the most numerous.

Is, perhaps, the fundamental metric. This is the number of times you click on a link. Whether in newsletters or digital ads, a good rate of clicks is usually synonymous with success. As long as this traffic is directed to the appropriate spaces.

A conversion can be any type of action that a company decides is interested in: a download, fill out a form with the user's data or even a sale.

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018


TOPIC: Search engine positioning, History and Web Analytics
OBJECTIVE: Analyzing search engine positioning, history and web analytics


SEO, search engine optimization or web optimization is the technical process through which changes are made to the structure and information of a Web page, with the aim of improving the visibility of a website in the results of the different search engines. It is also common to find the English denomination, search engine optimization, and especially its initial SEO.


The first seekers emerged in the early 90. Until Google appeared in 1996 many were created, including Yahoo. The Web boom started. People realized that you could really make money with them. So they came to the conclusion that they needed to attract traffic. What was the best method of attracting traffic? Search Engines


Through web analytics we will be able to analyze with much more detail the results of the marketing actions and make the most successful decisions about our website:
- Optimize our website to sell more or attract more customers.
- Improve our marketing actions.
- Identify our correct audience and connect with it.

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018




TOPIC: Google Sites
OBJECTIVE: To make a publicity blog for the diffusion of a tourist attraction.


Google Sites it is a tool of Google that allows the creation of a Web page in which different users can publish various types of information, like for example, files, presentations, calendars and documents; So that all people with access to this site created with Google sites can see them.


- Easy to create templates.
- Does not require programming such as HTML or CSS.
- Design templates available.
- Easy file handling.
- Easy handling of attachments.
- Personalization of the site interface.
- Easy to create multimedia content (videos, documents, spreadsheets and presentations from Google Docs, Picasa photos and IGoogle tools).
- Designation of readers and collaborators.
- Search with Google technology in Google sites content.


miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018



TOPIC: Efficient use of TICS in business management
OBJECTIVE: To use TICS efficiently in business management.


The initial launch of Penguin impacted 3.1% of the search engine queries in English. Between 2012 and 2016, the filter went through 10 documented updates, evolving over time and influencing the understanding of the SEO community of the problematic practices that Penguin tried to address. Starting at the beginning of 2017, Penguin is now part of Google's core algorithm.

But remember how web positioning techniques worked before the arrival of Penguin. The authority of a website was measured primarily by the amount of inbound links it received. Therefore, the link building (or construction of links) focused on getting thousands and thousands of links regardless of their quality.

Penguin is the new update of the algorithm that Google has implemented last April 24 and aims to detect and penalize the websites that allegedly try to increase their popularity artificially through a strategy of links Overoptimised and supported by low quality websites.

Google aims to clean results that offer little value to the user of the first positions of search, enhancing the websites with higher quality compared to those that have achieved better positions in an "unnatural" way.

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018


 TOURIST GUIDES: Delgado Cristhian and Paucar Karla


TOPIC: Online Strategies and Offline strategies
OBJECTIVE: Apply each of the strategies in the tourism sector.


Online marketing allows you to create personalized promotional campaigns for each company or business to make your communication more effective. For that, it is possible to rely on the management of Google Adwords or in advertisements on social networks, among other strategies.
So that a company can count on the benefits of being on the net, the first thing is to get a good positioning. That is, it is important that the company appears among the first results when you enter the related keywords in the search engine. This positioning can be SEO or SEM, according to the strategies that are put into practice to achieve the desired objectives.


Offline advertising strategies, as its name implies, refer to all those marketing actions that a brand performs outside the network. Or what is the same, the online context, so they cover a great diversity of techniques and areas of action.
It is true that in recent years online marketing has been consolidated in the communication strategies of companies thanks, above all, to the democratization of the network and the use of social platforms. However, it is important not to neglect advertising offline, as it greatly increases the chances of success and expansion of a company.

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018



TOPIC: E-Business Opportunities
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the tools and services of the Marketplace


It is the place in the net where they carry out commercial actions, like in the square of the market but in virtual and online level. It differs from the online store in which the same website sells products from different companies.
The platform offers numerous advantages especially to small traders for growth, who have the possibility to offer their new products and reach new audiences, without having to maintain or manage a website.


Cloud computing is a general term to name anything that has to do with providing hosting services over the Internet. These services are divided into three major categories: infrastructure such as service (IaaS), Platform as Service (PaaS) and software as service (SaaS). The computer name in the cloud was inspired by the cloud symbol that is often used to represent the Internet in images and flowcharts.


The electronic administration or e-administration is the set of solutions that allows the citizens and the companies to be able to relate with the public administrations through electronic means.
Could be assimilated to the creation of a unique "virtual window" that allows public services to be provided by administrations to citizens and businesses.



lunes, 30 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: E-commerce in China
OBJECTIVE: Learn about the projects that have been established in China.


Digital commerce in China represented only 1% globally in 2008, but a decade later the Asian giant already represents 42%. A very striking fact when compared to 24% of the United States, which in 2005 held 35% of international e-commerce. The data presented by the McKinsey Global Institute are clear: China handles more transactions per year than France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States together.

China concentrates 40% of global e-commerce, (618 billion dollars in 2015), above the US (349 billion dollars) and the United Kingdom (99.3 billion dollars), its number of online shoppers exceeded last year's 400 million and spending Annual average per person stood over 1000 dollars; Aware of the opportunities that this represents, the ICEX has celebrated the day: "The potential of e-commerce in China: The experience of Alibaba's platforms".

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

lunes, 23 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: E-Business strategies
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the different e-business strategies to adapt to the customer service.


These are the 10 Marketing Commandments:

1) Loves your consumers and respects your competitors.
2) Be sensitive to change, prepare for transformation.
3) Protect your brand, be clear about who you are.
4) Consumers are diverse, head first to those who can benefit more from you.
5) Always offers a good product at a fair price.
6) Always be accessible and offers quality news.
7) Get your customers, keep them and grow them.
8) No matter what your business is, it will always be a service business.
9) Differentiate always in terms of quality, cost and delivery time.
10) Archives relevant information and uses your wisdom to make a decision.

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: Concept and Pyramid of strategies.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the pyramid of strategies to apply it in the tourism field.


The concept is also used to refer to the plan devised to conduct an issue and to designate the set of rules that ensure an optimal decision at all times. In other words, a strategy is the process selected through which a certain future state is expected to be achieved.


The strategy is definitely a way of expressing what we want to do, how we want do and how we will be in the future, this in a crisis situation as we are living seems nonsense, but as we can see in this article not only seems to Necessary but it is essential to have a guide to help us know where we can be in the future.


The strategic pyramid helps us to "land" the concepts so that they stop being aspirations and poetics to become quantifiable activities. It is the itinerary to be followed by a company that wants to use communication to differentiate and compete in the 21st century.

lunes, 16 de julio de 2018




TOPIC: E-Business at present
OBJECTIVE: to analyze the current situation of the electronic businesses and their tendencies to generate ideas of value for the tourism entrepreneurship.


1. Markets are conversations.
2. Markets consist of humans, not of demographic sectors.
3. Conversations between humans sound human. They lead in a human voice.
4. Either transmitting information, opinions, perspectives, arguments against or funny notes, the human voice is open, natural, sincere.
5. People are recognized as such by the sound of this voice.
6. The Internet makes it possible to have conversations between human beings that were simply impossible in the mass media era.
7. Hyper-links undermine hierarchies.
8. In interconnected markets as among intraconnected employees, people use new and powerful forms of communication.
9. Network conversations make possible the emergence of new and powerful forms of social organization and knowledge sharing.
10. As a result, markets become more intelligent, more informed, more organized. Participation in an interconnected market causes people to change in a fundamental way.


1. Law of leadership.
2. Law of the category.
3. Law of mind.
4. Law of Perception.
5. Law of concentration.
6. Law of exclusivity.
7. Law of the staircase.
8. Law of duality.
9. Law of the opposite.
10. Law of Division.
11. Law of the perspective
12. Line Extension law.
13. Law of Sacrifice.
14. Law of attributes.
15. Law of sincerity.
16. Law of Singularity.
17. Law of the unpredictable.
18. Law of Success
19. Law of failure.
20. Sensationalist note law.
21. Law of acceleration.
22. Law of resources.


miércoles, 11 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: Analysis of Success cases
OBJECTIVE: to analyze different applications that were successful in the electronic business.



They are individuals who use the biggest video network in the YouTube digital market to post any type of content that can be entertaining, generating a large number of reproductions.


A properly crafted home delivery process will allow your business to increase customer satisfaction and thus generate an increase in the purchase of your services or products.
If through your business you offer home delivery service or you are thinking of including this article will serve to discover which are the main elements to be taken into account to offer an excellent home delivery service.


Applications or app are programs that are installed on a mobile device, designed to perform a specific function that widens or improves the device's operating capacity, as is the case with the software installed in the Computer.


OLX connects the local community to sell, buy and exchange their used goods and services in a quick and easy way so that anyone can post an ad from their cell phone or on the website.

lunes, 9 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: Analysis of Success cases
OBJECTIVE: to analyze different applications that were successful in the electronic business.


A new business model can create and leverage income and benefit opportunities, contrasting with aged models, which lead the company to lower revenues and eventually close.

How to innovate a business model?

There are six questions that landlords and managers should consider before planning a new business model:

1. What perceived market needs can be met with a new business model?
2. What new activities are needed to meet those perceived needs?
3. How could the activities required to be linked in new ways?
4. Who should perform each of the activities that form the new business model?
5. How do you create value, with the new business model, for all involved?
6. What value model fits with the company's new business model?


The term ecommerce, or e-commerce, may be familiar to many of us. However, we probably don't know everything behind this activity. In general terms, electronic commerce is the purchase and sale of products or services through Internet and computer networks. In addition, it involves tasks such as marketing, content and information on the network. All of this implies a revolution in the way in which companies communicate and develop their business activity.

The importance of this method is the accessibility that the clients of a company can have to the products or services that the company offers, from any place and at any time.


miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018


TOPIC: Canvas Model
OBJECTIVE: Analyze each block of the canvas model and apply it to the tourism sector.


The Canvas Method searches with a comprehensive model to analyze the company as a whole and serve as a basis for developing different business models, is to become a tool for strategic innovation.

The Canvas Method searches with a comprehensive model to analyze the company as a whole and serve as a basis for developing different business models, is to become a tool for strategic innovation.


- Simplicity of interpretation. The organized distribution of the 9 elements allows this simplicity.
- Comprehensive and systemic approach. The interpretation of all the elements makes any possible incoherence more visible.
- Changes and repercussions. The analysis of each alternative allows us to probe the viability of changes.
- Any size, any activity. It is a model applicable to all types of business, regardless of their object and their turnover.
- Synergy and teamwork. The simplicity of the method, facilitates the generation of ideas and different contributions of a group of people who meet to develop it.
-Strategic Analysis on a sheet. Powerful tool for Strategic analysis: FODA, market analysis, competitors, customers, suppliers, structures and processes.


- Little precise, does not serve for concrete operative.
- It should be supplemented with detailed process map.
- For being so novel can make us believe that completing the canvas and we have the model solved.